- GI0201 - 山區地下水資源調查與試驗
- GI0202 - 水文地質單元劃定
- GI0203 - 山區地下岩層優勢水流路徑分析
- GS02 - 裂隙岩體水文地質特性研究
- GS03 - 地下水文環境影響模擬分析
- GR01 - 隧道前方地質探查
1. Ku, C.Y., Hsu, S.M., Chiou, L.B. and Lin, G.F. (2009). “An empirical model for estimating hydraulic conductivity of highly disturbed clastic sedimentary rocks in Taiwan.” Engineering Geology. 109: 213-223.
2. Hsu, S. M., Lo, H. C., Ku, C. Y., Jeng, D. Isaac, and Chi, S. Y. (2010). “Integrating Multiple Subsurface Exploration Technologies in Slope Hydrogeologic Investigation: A Case Study in Taiwan,” GeoFlorida 2010, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 199, PP. 980-989.
3.許世孟、羅鴻傑 (2010),「水文地質調查及分析技術發展與應用」,中興工程 40週年紀念專刊。