俞旗文 李國榮 洪世勳
摘 要
岩盤隧道 施工期間,每日所產生施工資料不僅種類繁多且數量龐大,其中尤以岩體的地質構造、岩盤的安定性與開挖作業耗時等,與施工安全及開挖進度最為息息相關。中興社初步開發之隧道施工資料管理系統(單機版,以下稱第一版系統),即針對施工階段地質、監測與輪進耗時資料的記錄、儲存與處理分析等工作,分別建立三套獨立子系統,並已應用於雪山隧道部份路段、員山子分洪隧道全線工程等。第一版系統功能主要著重於個別施工資料之記錄、查詢與統計分析等,但由於各施工資料彼此間有極高之相關性,而且隧道所採用之監測儀器或岩體支撐評估方法也持續在改進,因此在彙整使用者所回饋的使用心得與改進建議後,本期工作將針對單機版系統功能及適用之監測儀器進行擴增,同時新增隧道施工資料查詢系統(網頁版),希望藉由網際網路技術,改進資料之整合查詢及合併展示等功能,有助於施工問題發掘、改善工法探討與隧道施工進度及安全之遠端管控技術發展。
Application and Improvement of Tunnel Construction Data Management System
Tunnel construction data management system(TCDMS,Version 1)was developed by Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc. in 2002. The system consists of sub-systems of cycle time records, geological information and monitored data. It had been applied for many tunnel project during construction and many opinions feedback from the end user.
In this research project, the objective is to improve and update the functionality of TCDMS. It has been reached the following objectives: (1) the construction data of nine tunnels collected;(2) the functionality of TCDMS (desktop version) had been improved and updated; (3) the development of Tunnel construction data query system (web version).
After the TCDMS system(Version 2) Updated, We applied the new system for other tunnels. It can provide timely the excavation information, including the deformation behavior and images of the rock excavation face and excavation work rate analysis, etc. Since the establishment of the databases of tunnel geology, monitored data and the excavation face images, supervisors can browse these data by internet to query and handle on-site construction and bedrock conditions.