In recent years, the global trend of reducing greenhouse gas emissions against the Greenhouse effect which induced extreme climate hreats is obviously. The main activity of carbon reduction in Taiwan is to positively promote the renewable energy. According to the latest energy policy, the renewable energy will account for 20% by 2025.
Based on our geotechnical background and technical capacities, we focus on the key technologies such as "wind energy", "geothermal energy" and "carbon dioxide storage". Among them, the offshore wind turbine foundation design, the geothermal power production assessment and deep geothermal temperature measurement, the migration analysis of supercritical carbon dioxide after injected in the deep stratum and risk assessment and management for carbon dioxide escape. Relevant achievements can help Sinotech Engineering Group to keep the leading position in Taiwan.

- Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Transport
- Hydrogeological Survey & Assessment
- Modeling, Monitoring & Early Warning of Landslides

- Geological Investigation of Upstream Watersheds for Flood-prone Areas and Database Establishment – Investigation and Evaluation of the Effect of Hydrogeology on Slope Stability in the Watershed Area (2007-2013)
- Assessment of Inflow and Impacts on Hydrogeologic Environment under Tunnel Construction
- 3-D Hydrogeological Modeling & Safety Assessment of Impounding Structures

- Geological Investigation of Upstream Watersheds for Flood-prone Areas and Database Establishment – Investigation and Evaluation of the Effects of Hydrogeology on Slope Stability in the Watershed Area (2007-2013)
- Study on Hydrogeological Characteristics of Fractured Rocks and Engineering Application
- The Application of Large-scale Dewatering in Jingmei Aquifer for Deep Excavation Projects in Taipei Basin